If you're looking for a costume idea, here are some of the best! ... If you want to make your own, the original website has design specifications

SS Venture ship and Skull Island models from Peter Jackson's King Kong...

This model of the 1930's SS Venture boat from Peter Jackson's 2005 King Kong remake can be seen on the Studio Tour at Universal Studios Hollywood.

SS Venture ship model from the 2005 movie King Kong
SS Venture model ship from King Kong at Universal Studios Hollywood
King Kong Skull Island SS Venture modelKing Kong ship model on the Universal Studios Tour
After filming was completed on the movie in New Zealand, the models of the SS Venture and Skull Island were shipped to California to be used as part of the Studio Tour backlot attraction.

Skull Island and SS Venture ship models from King Kong
Peter Jackson's King Kong SS Venture ship and Skull Island models
Original King Kong SS Venture ship model
Original King Kong Skull island and SS Venture ship models
These pictures were taken on April 13, 2009.

King Kong movie poster
King Kong movie poster