If you're looking for a costume idea, here are some of the best! ... If you want to make your own, the original website has design specifications

Cate Blanchett's Elizabeth: The Golden Age movie costume...

This wonderfully intricate dress from the 2007 sequel to Elizabeth, Elizabeth: The Golden Age, was photographed on display at Universal Studios Hollywood theme park in L.A. on April 13, 2009.

Original costume worn by Cate Blanchett
as Queen Elizabeth I
Elizabeth The Golden Age movie costume
Cate Blanchett's Elizabeth The Golden Age film costume
Elizabeth The Golden Age dress detail
Elizabeth The Golden Age movie costume worn by Cate Blanchett
The historical drama is set in 1588 and stars Cate Blanchett once again as the Queen of England.

Elizabeth: The Golden Age movie poster
Elizabeth The Golden Age movie poster
Also on display beside the wonderful dress is a model of The Globe Theatre, a London landmark of Elizabethan England and was built in 1599 to perform the plays of William Shakespeare. The amphitheatre was situated on the South Bank of the River Thames in Southwark.

Globe Theatre model for Elizabeth: The Golden Age movie
Globe Theater model from Elizabeth The Golden Age
Elizabeth The Golden Age Globe Theatre film modelElizabeth The Golden Age Globe Theatre model