If you're looking for a costume idea, here are some of the best! ... If you want to make your own, the original website has design specifications

Animatronic zombie and demon from Army of Darkness on display...

Fans of the Evil Dead franchise will love these creature effects props from the third movie installment, Sam Raimi's 1992 comedy horror fantasy Army of Darkness.
Animatronic zombie warrior from Army of Darkness
Army of Darkness zombie warrior animatronicEvil Dead 3 zombie warrior animatronicArmy of Darkness zombie warrior animatronic
Army of Darkness animatronic zombie warrior
This movie sees Bruce Campbell's hero 'Ash' transported back to 1300 AD Medieval England to fight hordes of 'deadites'.

Army of Darkness movie poster
Army of Darkness movie poster
Apparently Creature Effects Artists Mark Rappaport was responsible for the animatronic skeletons on Army of Darkness.

Army of Darkness winged demon prop on display
Army of Darkness winged demon prop
Army of Darkness winged demon movie prop
These Evil Dead III creature props were photographed on display at the Planet Hollywood Cafe in Las Vegas on April 7, 2011, with the winged demon hanging from the ceiling.
Army of Darkness movie poster
Army of Darkness poster