In 2008's The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian, Sergio Castellitto plays 'Miraz', a Telmarine lord and the reigning King of Narnia. He rules Narnia with a ruthless iron fist, oppressing the Narnians and wiping away all memories if its magical past.
Actual King Miraz battle armour worn by Sergio Castellitto

This impressive suit of armour was worn during Miraz's epic showdown with 'Peter Pevensie'. This costume and shield prop were photographed on September 22, 2010, as part of The American Film Institute movie villain showcase at Disney's Hollywood Studios in Orlando.
King Miraz's shield prop from Prince Caspian

Prince Caspian - King Miraz movie poster

King Miraz armour concept art

Sergio Castellitto wore this second original costume during the pivotal council meeting scene in Prince Caspian when Miraz becomes king. This outfit was part of the behind-the-scenes Journey into Narnia: Prince Caspian walk-through attraction at Disney's Hollywood Studios.
Lord Miraz council meeting costume

Isis Mussenden was responsible for the fantastic costume design in Prince Caspian.
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian movie poster

If you like this film costume, be sure to check out Ben Barnes Prince Caspian battle armour on display.