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Prosthetic mask and creature maquette from Hellboy II: The Golden Army..

Ron Perlman was the man behind the titular red demon mask in both 2004's Hellboy and the 2008 sequel, Hellboy II: The Golden Army.

These are photographs of the actual facial prothetic that he (and various stunt men) wore to become 'Hellboy' in the second movie, along with a fantastic maquette of an elemental forest god featured in the movie.

Original prosthetic mask and maquette
from Hellboy II: The Golden Army
Hellboy The Golden Army mask and model
Original Hellboy 2 mask and maquette
Hellboy II: The Golden Army received a nomination for Best Makeup (Mike Elizalde and Tom Floutz) at the prestigious 81st Academy Awards in 2009, but rather sadly lost the Oscar to The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.

Hellboy II: The Golden Army movie poster
Hellboy 2 movie poster

Original Hellboy prosthetic mask worn by Ron Perlman
Hellboy 2 Ron Perlman facial prosthetic
Hellboy 2 mask and elemental model
This wonderful maquette of an elemental forest god, formed the basis of the CGI creature that 'Hellboy' fights and reluctantly defeats in the film.

Elemental forest god model on display
at Universal Studios Hollywood
Hellboy 2 elemental forest god model
Hellboy 2 prosthetic mask and forest god model
If you like this fantastic mask and maquette, be sure to check out more original models, prosthetics and props from Hellboy II here at Hollywood Movie Costumes and Props.

Visit Jason in Hollywood for a movie review of Hellboy II: The Golden Army.

Hellboy II: The Golden Army movie poster
Hellboy II The Golden Army film poster
Buy the movie in the USA: Hellboy II: The Golden Army [Blu-ray]