If you're looking for a costume idea, here are some of the best! ... If you want to make your own, the original website has design specifications

Morgan Freeman's costume accessories from Wanted...

The 2008 comic book adaptation, Wanted, about a guild of professional assassins, starred Angelina Jolie, James McAvoy and Morgan Freeman.

These items of costume jewelry were worn by various members of the organisation of assassins in the action movie and all are designed with a 'Bee' motif, the symbol of the 'Fraternity'. They were photographed on display at Universal Studios Hollywood on February 11, 2010.

Original Wanted costume accessories
Wanted movie costume accessories
Wanted Morgan Freeman movie props
In addition to the camera slate and clapperboard used in the movie, also on display was the bee ring worn by Common as 'The Gunsmith', the bee pendant worn by Dato Bakhtadze as 'The Butcher' and other jewelry used to complete Morgan Freeman's transformation into 'Sloan', the leader of the 'Fraternity'.

Bee motif cufflinks, ring and tie clip worn by
Morgan Freeman as 'Sloan' in Wanted
Wanted Sloan costume accessories
If you like these, be sure to check out one of the assassin gun prop from Wanted.

Wanted movie poster
Wanted movie poster
Buy the movie in the USA: Wanted [Blu-ray]